Monday, December 29, 2008
The year is winding down...
This weekend, I moved the treadmill into the bedroom, (it was there once before). Our house is small, so anywhere it would go would be in the way. It folds up, which is a good thing. It was in the garage, and it is too cold now to use it out there. If anyone had a video camera on me trying to get it into the house, it would have made a good you tube show. It was a challenge, but I did it. Most all of our snow is melted now, and just ice remained on our patio, which made is very slippery, and after a couple near falls, I threw some rugs down and got some good traction, and a couple heave hos I was able to slide it through the patio doors. All cleaned up and in its place. The electronics don't work on it, which is disappointing, so something happened with the move. So I wore my pedometer for cals, miles, steps...only thing I was missing was speed. I can guesstimate on where I set it. I walk 5 min, run 5 min. to start. for 30 min. Its a start. I have used it, once at night and once in the morning....I am not sure which I like better...(probably night)....
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The First Day of Winter
After today, three more days until Christmas...It is very hard to believe. Are you ready?
I am looking forward to the new year, and fresh starts...and the settling in for the long winter. I need to really focus on getting some of my *pending projects* done. I have enough to do, I would never have to leave the house.
The new winter schedual was just publish at the local museum, and I don't see any classes I am interested in this time around, which going out at night when it is so cold isn't too appealing anyway....I don't feel that bad about it.
So until next time...keep warm and safe, and enjoy the holidays!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Kathy Tesslings Fantasy Falls....

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Other things I am working on; I decided to get back into doll making. The book I got from the library is; Creative Cloth Dollmaking, by Patti Medais Culea. Very *arty* dolls. I have attempted doll #1, and it is, the body that is, near completion. Then the challenge of designing her. Tonite I will attach her limbs to her body, and maybe do a base paint on her. I have to think this out, as the book has lots of ideas, I am not sure which direction I want to take her. I know I want a theme.
I feel sometimes that I am constantly bouncing from one creative venue to another....but so much interests me, I just have to keep my mind stirred up with it all. The next thing I do plan on fitting in is a colored pencil class online, which I believe starts in Jan. I have had the pencils and even went as far as ordering three projects to draw, and they are still in the packaging. I am hoping Cathy Johnsons class; will give me the confidence to try the projects.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
A Touch of Frost
Fall colors are just starting, I was thinking a nice crimson maple against a cerulean blue sky would be a nice photo opt, if I can find the right setting..suppose to be a bright sunny day...I will post pictures of my ventures today...stay tuned.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Point Iroquois Light
Monday, July 21, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I Have a new camera!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
June 12, 2008
We have had a few storms blow through, some tornado watches but no warnings in our area. Some warnings north of us. We have a trap door to get into the basement. We have never had to seriously use it yet, I did once cram two dogs and four cats into the 6 x 6 bathroom.....durning a warning last year, until we all went crazy and I opened the door, and told everyone to fend for themselves....My husbands work had a lock down, mine advised us not to leave....but when I left it wasn't bad. Nothing happened that time, the storm passed with little damage. The year before we had a lot of trees down in the area, and I remember leaving work, (when they let us)...frantically driving home, seeing fallen trees all the way home, and turning down my road seeing a big tree uprooted in our yard and on our house. We were out power for four days, lost everything in the freezer and refrigerator. We went out and got a generator that storm. Haven't had to use it since, but we have it. We are lucky as I watch the news today, with all the tornado's and see those houses and lives can you comprehend all of that, how can you have a house today, and all of its contents, and then tomorrow have it all wiped away...everything do you even sort it all out in your head. I think to my self, and I have been trying to do this...downsize, have less. Less to lose, less to keep track off. Less to be attached too....I have too many things, too many that I can't (and don't) use them all. Sometimes it get overwhelming, what to do. When I am not at my job and have the free time...seems like it all gets taken up with housework, laundry, lawn do you decide in the down time what, out of all the projects, what to do.....There is so much I want to do....Its almost like I should set up a schedule and follow it, til things eventually get done...the unfinished afghan, the colored pencil kit, the soldered necklaces, the woodcarving, the wood burned gourds, the feltwork....I could go on and on.....several of these *crafts* are in various stages of completion....but I want to do them all....and then there is the Fair, have to pick up the tags the end of June....This year I plan to enter, well, I will get tags for 6 items....we will see how that goes....I will post pictures of what I entered.
I am planning, a quilted wallhanging, a painted rock, a gourd windchime, a welcome sign, and a photograph....I will get tags, doesn't matter if they get used or not....but you have to have them by the end of June...or you are out of luck....NO EXCEPTIONS.....
Sunday, May 18, 2008
non artistic painting

As far as the outside...Have mowed the yard three times so far, and the temp. are more normal. We did have a bout in the 80's, but it is back in the 60's now...much more comfortable. The bleeding hearts are in full bloom, as are the tulips, irises, and the ants are working at opening the peonies. Hostas are growing and are going to be huge this year...stretching out and unfolding their leaves into large canopy's. I want to get a dogwood tree, and seen one I wish I would have bought...I love dogwoods. Their white flowers (I would get white) are like porcelain...crisp and sturdy, but delicate.
Artistically I am working on a rock, with a picture of a dogs face. Progress on that will be posted on my other blog, speakswithpencil.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Spring time......
Friday, April 11, 2008
a change is taking place
This blog will just be for the regular day to day........
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Maybe its a sign....
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Sunday, March 9, 2008
A PLACE TO BARK...and meow
Please visit Bernie Berlins blog, and also scroll down on the right of my blog for other information about her wonderful cause.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
lesson in
Friday, February 29, 2008
On The Cusps of March
February 29, 08. it’s a Leap Year, we won’t see February 29th for four more years. We have a fresh blanket of snow…When I lived in the UP, we referred to it as rotters snow.. The snow pack up there was more than down in the southern part of Michigan…so the give and take with winter, was more pronounced. The days seem to be getting longer…lighter now when I get out of work…a nice feature of the winter months, is not feeling guilty to crawl into the old pj’s at five at night…after all it is dark out…soon it will be 11:00pm and still light out, and mowing the grass around 9:00 isn’t entirely out of the question. Swimming at 10:00 entirely not out of the question as we have done it when the nights were so unbearable to sleep, and a cool dip was enough to temporarily break the sweat….tonight though its blankets upon blankets with just a nose peaking out for breathing purposes….
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Spreading the love........

To encourage all of us to embrace the incredible power of giving.
To show each other that we care and that there is love, hope and magic all around us
To know that we may be only one person in this world, but to one person, at one time, we are the world.
Make a difference and experience the true power of giving on 4 April. Thank you for your support.
A message from Blake Beattie (Pay It Forward Day Founder)
‘Pay it Forward Day’ is a brilliant concept by Catherine Ryan Hyde from her book of the same title. Some people were originally quite sceptical of the whole idea: they said that it was good in theory, but not in practise. I challenged this point of view believing that people are genuinely giving by nature, but many get caught up in the hustle and bustle of every day life. April 4 is a time when each of us can get to experience the ‘Power of Giving’ and the ripple effect begins.*
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Saturday, February 9, 2008
new links
EDM # 1 draw a shoe

Saturday, February 2, 2008
Creative Liscense.......

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. "
Ralph Waldo Emerson
ok....This is something, different. When I am not on the site, (which unfortunately)is down this morning....I am currently reading, *Creative License*, Danny Gregorys new 36.....grab a chair and some paper and head for the bathroom....
This is a quick sketch of my bathroom cabinet, atually it has three shelves, but...(artistic liscense) I have two.
I also went to the library, yesterday on break from work, (library is right across the road from my work). The three books I picked up, couldn't be any more different....1. Creative watercolor workshop. 2. Sasquatch, legend meets science. 3. Nature/Walking...which I am reading first. It is a little book that combines Ralph Waldo Emersons, Nature, and Henry David Thoreaus Walking. I have just started this book, but I am anxious to get into it. I read the 10 page introduction last night, before I got too tired to continue.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Good Sunday Morning
The thing with art, especially a beginning artists is just to *begin*. To create, mistakes and all...everyday day try to put something down. Read, research, discover something new everyday. Get the wheels going in your head. See things as if seeing them for the first time. Take your tools with you, keep a bag with an extra sketchbook, pencil box, erasers, and grab it up every time you leave the house. Grab your camera too! You never know when an opportunity will come up.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008

"I have written my life in small sketches, a little today, a little yesterday... I look back on my life as a good day's work. It was done and I feel satisfied with it. I made the best out of what life offered......."Grandma Moses
Goodmorning...This a a project from the free drawing lessons, I am doing. I think I am happy with it. It is all done with *squiggles*, I am on D9 of the beginner class, I am not even a quarter of the way through, then its on to intermediate, and advanced....I have quite a way to go...I am excited, because there are a lot of challenging lessons to come. I also ordered three books from Danny Gregory's Creative License, Danny Prices' How to Make a Journal of Your Life, and Moonlight Chronicles. I got Creative License already, and I am also going through his lessons. He uses a pen, which is unforgiving, but I guess that is the point.
Its 12* here this morning...and a windchill of -1*. A good day to stay in and keep warm and be creative. I have a few things I would like to tackle in the coming year. It is a little difficult (altho not impossible) to work on projects after work, I prefer the weekends, at least to get something in the process so it could be worked on at night after work.
Go out and have a good week, do something good for someone something good for you...
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Saturday, Jan. 5th, 2008