Sunday, January 27, 2008

Good Sunday Morning

Quote for the Week: " Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." Scott Adams


The thing with art, especially a beginning artists is just to *begin*. To create, mistakes and all...everyday day try to put something down. Read, research, discover something new everyday. Get the wheels going in your head. See things as if seeing them for the first time. Take your tools with you, keep a bag with an extra sketchbook, pencil box, erasers, and grab it up every time you leave the house. Grab your camera too! You never know when an opportunity will come up.


I am happy to say, I have received all three books I sent for, Creative License; by Danny Gregory, How to make a Journal of your life and Moonlight Chronicles, by Dan Price. These books are informative, inspirational, and entertaining....Especially Dan Prices adventures.


Well, on a personal note, I haven't done a whole lot, this week (not even my drawing lessons on I have been sick for a week, with bronchitis and a high fever. The high fever was only for a couple of the days. I am finally feeling like hopefully today I can get on with the lessons.


Today decide to learn something new. Give your mind a challenge. Do something you wouldn't normally do. Be as a child, and learn how to *walk* again, in a different direction.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A new tree

This is drawn a few lessons later......

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008


"I have written my life in small sketches, a little today, a little yesterday... I look back on my life as a good day's work. It was done and I feel satisfied with it. I made the best out of what life offered......."Grandma Moses

Goodmorning...This a a project from the free drawing lessons, I am doing. I think I am happy with it. It is all done with *squiggles*, I am on D9 of the beginner class, I am not even a quarter of the way through, then its on to intermediate, and advanced....I have quite a way to go...I am excited, because there are a lot of challenging lessons to come. I also ordered three books from Danny Gregory's Creative License, Danny Prices' How to Make a Journal of Your Life, and Moonlight Chronicles. I got Creative License already, and I am also going through his lessons. He uses a pen, which is unforgiving, but I guess that is the point.

Its 12* here this morning...and a windchill of -1*. A good day to stay in and keep warm and be creative. I have a few things I would like to tackle in the coming year. It is a little difficult (altho not impossible) to work on projects after work, I prefer the weekends, at least to get something in the process so it could be worked on at night after work.


Go out and have a good week, do something good for someone something good for you...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Good morning....another week has passed. I did find an interesting site, called Last weekend, I was looking around for drawing lessons, and this site offers free, yes free drawing lessons for beginner on up, laid out systematically right from buying the tools. I am working my way through the beginner section. I didn't know this but I had a book by the site owner already, Drawing for Dummies, I didn't go through it all yet, (I must have moved on to something else then.) Really I do want to learn how to draw well, so I am hoping to stick with it, and soon I will post my progress, which actually I could start, (and should) post one of the first lessons as a starting progress can be marked, since that is the point of this blog, is also in my plans to purchase Danny Gregory's newest book Creative License. The bottom line is, you can read all you want on any subject, but you will never be good at it until you start practicing....practice does make perfect. I always remember Jonathan Livingston Seagull....."You can't fly into flying" is true.....It is also true that I am impatient.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Saturday, Jan. 5th, 2008

10:24 in the morning....searching the Internet for motivation....I joined EDM, in hopes or spurring me on to sketch. I am new to I am still navigating my way around. I would like to do a trial run at publishing a photo...because I would like to post my journey with you....ok....(that was easy enough!). I am using a new laptop, and this was the only creative endeavor I had uploaded to it. Its a painted rock I did for an exchange in another club a year or so ago. As I said I just joined, well actually two groups, a crafterschallenge group, newly formed and EveryDayMatters (EDM), which I believe has been around awhile...I seen a very interesting book that Danny Gregory has just published called; The Creative License, which for me looks very promising...because, I need the push to see *creatively* what is inside of me...because I feel I have something there. I have been procrastinating taking another drawing class, hoping a different teacher could unlock the door to my creative soul...or show me the map, so I can find my way myself...I have so many books....I could do it myself through my own studies and searching the Internet for inspiration....or possibly spending less time talking about doing it and actually facing the responsibility of actually attempting doing it....what a novel concept....I think I am afraid...afraid of failure, but isn't there failure in not attempting at this I guess is the put it out share my fear, my failures, my attempts.