Friday, February 29, 2008

On The Cusps of March

February 29, 08. it’s a Leap Year, we won’t see February 29th for four more years. We have a fresh blanket of snow…When I lived in the UP, we referred to it as rotters snow.. The snow pack up there was more than down in the southern part of Michigan…so the give and take with winter, was more pronounced. The days seem to be getting longer…lighter now when I get out of work…a nice feature of the winter months, is not feeling guilty to crawl into the old pj’s at five at night…after all it is dark out…soon it will be 11:00pm and still light out, and mowing the grass around 9:00 isn’t entirely out of the question. Swimming at 10:00 entirely not out of the question as we have done it when the nights were so unbearable to sleep, and a cool dip was enough to temporarily break the sweat….tonight though its blankets upon blankets with just a nose peaking out for breathing purposes….

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Spreading the love........

I seen this on Anita Davies site I thought it was a wonderful idea.

This excerpt is taken from the site. *There is tremendous power and positive energy in giving – it is a shame that not enough people have experienced it to the fullest. Pay It Forward Day is about all people, from all walks of life giving to someone else.
To encourage all of us to embrace the incredible power of giving.
To show each other that we care and that there is love, hope and magic all around us
To know that we may be only one person in this world, but to one person, at one time, we are the world.

Make a difference and experience the true power of giving on 4 April. Thank you for your support.
A message from Blake Beattie (Pay It Forward Day Founder)
‘Pay it Forward Day’ is a brilliant concept by Catherine Ryan Hyde from her book of the same title. Some people were originally quite sceptical of the whole idea: they said that it was good in theory, but not in practise. I challenged this point of view believing that people are genuinely giving by nature, but many get caught up in the hustle and bustle of every day life. April 4 is a time when each of us can get to experience the ‘Power of Giving’ and the ripple effect begins.*

For the first three people to send me your name and physical address via my email (please put PAY IT FORWARD in the subject line). I have pledged to send you something I have made. You must then promise to send something to three other people, with the same instructions. Please allow 4 weeks for me to make my *gift* and get it to you....The three people will be announced here on my blog. The three people must in turn post on their blog the three people they promise to send an act of kindness gift. Gifts should be handmade by you.


Thursday, February 21, 2008


This is a drawing I did in a couple nights, I was pleased how it turned out, eventually I want to add color with colored pencils, in time. I am still in the practicing stage.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


This is drawn from a photograph, which was taken on the shores of Lake Huron, south shore of Lake Huron, in the northern part of lower Michigan.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


This my first attempt at adding watercolor to a drawing. I have a cool KOH-I-NOOR Watercolour Wheel Stack Pack, 24 colors, 4 round trays, that screw together, its very portable. There is a cool *self contained* brush, that holds water in the barrel, that you can buy to make the whole deal very portable...Anyway, I was up til 2:00am, in bed painting this..., check out this site for the Wheel Stack.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

new links

This is also listed on my links. It is a cool site I belong to also. I wanted to you to see another dimention to my artistic background. Still interested in painting on rocks, but focusing on drawing at present. I have a website also, which I haven't, wow, been to in a long time.....just stating it here for anyone who might want to look....

EDM # 1 draw a shoe

This is the First EDM challenge...draw a shoe. I drew this in 2005, so it isn't recent work. I wanted to get something out there, I don't think I will go through the whole list, but ya know, what a challenge that would be. I want to keep active with these challenges, drawing....eventually adding color, pencil, watercolor....

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Creative Liscense.......


"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. "
Ralph Waldo Emerson


ok....This is something, different. When I am not on the site, (which unfortunately)is down this morning....I am currently reading, *Creative License*, Danny Gregorys new 36.....grab a chair and some paper and head for the bathroom....

This is a quick sketch of my bathroom cabinet, atually it has three shelves, but...(artistic liscense) I have two.


I also went to the library, yesterday on break from work, (library is right across the road from my work). The three books I picked up, couldn't be any more different....1. Creative watercolor workshop. 2. Sasquatch, legend meets science. 3. Nature/Walking...which I am reading first. It is a little book that combines Ralph Waldo Emersons, Nature, and Henry David Thoreaus Walking. I have just started this book, but I am anxious to get into it. I read the 10 page introduction last night, before I got too tired to continue.