Sunday, May 31, 2009

Early morning clemantis....

After I came back from my walk this morning....documented on I sat outside with a fresh cup of coffee, enjoy the morning sunrise, and the warm breeze it brought with it. I noticed how beautiful the Clemantis was basking in all its glory, so I got my camera to document it, and its intricate inner beauty...It is a beautiful morning, and I feel much better than I did a mere 4 hours ago.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

More than a month later...

and it seems like the previous post could still apply....Yesterday, and in fact, the last few days have been beautiful, and 80's...slightly warmer than I at 10:13am it is 60* it rained all night, (badly needed)...and I am looking at another grey morning, with the promise of a clearing afternoon, and temperatures rising into the high 70's. Yesterday I weeded around our little pond, and need to continue today, before the weeds get a stronger hold than they do. I bought my blue morning glorys for the trellis, some sedum and a rosemary plant. I still would like to get a white dogwood. I had some baby hostas coming up and I transplanted them yesterday. I should post pictures of the mama's, they are beautiful. I know I should divide them, but I don't have the heart to...
So today the day before Memorial Day....I will go plant my flag in the garden, and say a silent prayer for all the service men currently fighting for our freedom, and the ones that have fought in previous wars....Thank you.